The Inbounder: Najlepšie tweety z medzinárodnej konferencie!
02. 05. 2018 Autor
Ak ste neboli na konferencii The Inbounder v Madride, o veľa ste prišli! Aby ste neprišli o všetko, vyzobali sme pre vás tie najužitočnejšie tweety z konferencie. P. S. Dole pod článkom nájdete odkaz na všetky prezentácie, ale pssst !;)
"Most of the SEO process failures are caused by SEO project management issues." – @aleyda speaking at #theinbounder.
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 25, 2018
First steps for a [good] #SEO project:
✔ Start with a complete audit
✔ Show how competitors are doing
✔ Prioritise opportunities: how critical towards growth are they?
✔ Don't focus on low impact changes@aleyda @theinbounder #theinbounder— Irene Schillaci (@ireschilla) April 25, 2018
Las 5 claves de @mdeziel para un #brandedcontent de éxito. Tu contenido debe ser transmitir verdad y ser único ¿Cómo conseguirlo? Utilizando contenido verificado, de múltiples fuentes, colaboraciones externas, influencers #theinbounder
— Aroa Pérez (@aroap) April 25, 2018
Wanna create compelling brand content? 🏆
T – teach
R – reputable
U – unique
T – tension
H – human connection#theinbounder #brandcontent @mdeziel— Thea (@windi_th) April 25, 2018
👻 #theinbounder
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) April 25, 2018
Every person who comes to our website is facing a challenge.- @TaliaGw #theinbounder
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 25, 2018
We are in a revolution: from owned media content to a distributed content in a wide ecosystem. Is your website offering something different? Nobody needs your web! Stop trying to own the customer journey! Build in your consumers mind @jonoalderson at #TheInbounder
— Señor Muñoz (@senormunoz) April 25, 2018
It takes about 6-8 touch points to get a person to buy from you. So don't be lazy marketers! 😉 @SamJaneNoble thank you for such a helpful talk! #theinbounder
— Larisa Aslanyan (@LaraAsl) April 25, 2018
According to @leximills, the speed in which you reply is often more important than the answer! #theinbounder #PR #digitalmarketing
— We Are Marketing (@wamglobal) April 26, 2018
So @therustybear nails 🔨it at #theinbounder goes on to enunciate that SEO is undervalued by 18%
— paulgailey (@paulgailey) April 26, 2018
'Image search is not just convenient, it helps you find things for when you don't have the words to describe something.’ – great words from @purnavirji at #theinbounder.
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 26, 2018
"Write your content for snippets using conversational language"
"You don't need to have a separate page for each question as long as your content is compelling"
–@purnavirji#theinbounder— Yanni PapaSomething (@YanniTweets) April 26, 2018
‘Amazon convert about 74% of their prime customers. If your CR is 5%, is it because Amazon’s copy or design is really 15x better than yours?’ @peeplaja at #theinbounder
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 26, 2018
Alignment, anomaly,consistency, contrast, direction, perspective…. all principles of attention-driven design. @oligardner at #theinbounder
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 26, 2018
‘Content marketing isn’t the right approach anymore, we need to sell the product in a way that isn’t overly salesy.’ @oligardner at #Theinbounder
— The Inbounder (@theinbounder) April 26, 2018
Attributes of great marketing team. Useful for CEOs, CMOs and team leaders. Thanks @JoannaLord at #Theinbounder
— Milan Fiala (@fiala_milan) April 26, 2018
That's a 20% increase from 2016 #theinbounder
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) April 26, 2018
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